Friday, December 10, 2010
Johnny Jump Up
JSR was loving his Johnny Jump Up this morning, He hasn't really jumped in it too much before, we've mostly used it as a swing. Take your Dramamine first.
Here's one more from this afternoon.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Trampoline Joy
Papa and Mae Mae got a trampoline in the backyard. JSR was so excited to watch his cousin Anthony jump.
Baby John rolling over
I took these videos of JSR when he was just learning to roll over, which was about 2 weeks ago now.
Then here's one of success!
The first one is of him not rolling over, but sort of getting ready.
Then here's one of success!
And another success!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Botanical Posters
Check out these amazing botanical posters. I have a $4 cheese poster in a goodwill frame that is one of my favorite wall pieces. This one of onions is outstanding.

Saturday, October 2, 2010
JSR being adorable.
JSR has been super chipper and happy lately, which is delightful. Here's a good example as we were getting ready for his bath tonight.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Preparing for the first haircut
This is a little 'round the world video of JSR prior to the first haircut. You can see why it became necessary. You can also see how Baby Pattern Baldness (BPB) has affected him.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
As requested by John John's aunts, here is a recent video. This is my first time to add one, as Luke is usually the video blogger. John is going to be 4 months on Friday! Get ready for some sleep training, little boy. The last few nights he has been waking up every three hours to nurse (not unusual) and taking over an hour to put back to sleep (unusual). Exhausting. This is the motivation I need to research a good sleep training method.
Monday, August 16, 2010
JSR Videos
These videos don't really require any explanation. The second baby in the video is Eva, JSR's cousin who is often featured in episodes of JSR: The Baby Years. The videos are from a couple of weeks ago, but I've been delinquent in getting them up here.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
People who look like my baby
Ron Livingston, Johnny Knoxville, Oliver Platt, Jimmy Neutron, The Nutty Professor, Elvis, Bob the Builder, Donny Osmond, Goober, Chief from Battlestar Galactica, George Stephanopoulos
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Diaper time
I am excited to start using our new cloth diapers (! I ordered a new batch that should be here in a couple days. The "One Size" diaper fits a baby 8-35 lbs. John John was almost 9 lbs when he was born and the diapers were huge on him. Now that he is over 11lbs we are gonna make the transition. I fear, however, that we will have to go up a clothing size to fit over his bulky bum.
I found a great "wet bag" from that might be a good item. Does anyone use this for laundry?
Tomorrow is the dreaded 2 month doctor appointment. He is going to get 4 shots! I think Luke and I will be treating ourselves to a fun dessert on his behalf.
I found a great "wet bag" from that might be a good item. Does anyone use this for laundry?
Tomorrow is the dreaded 2 month doctor appointment. He is going to get 4 shots! I think Luke and I will be treating ourselves to a fun dessert on his behalf.
Big house, little family
Luke and I have the house to ourselves for the week while mom and dad visit Jack and Amy in Indiana. We are using the time to get John John on a better routein. My brilliant friend Whitney told me about The Baby Whisperer and the issues she addresses in her book are EXACTLY what we need help with. Thank you, thank you! She helped me to see that I was feeding him too little too often and encouraging some bad habits such as eating a few times at night and making him dependent on us to fall asleep. So the transition begins. It has been a rough couple of nights. When he woke up this morning he had a hard time nursing. I was so tired and frusterated and had to put him down and go cry in the shower for a while. I am so glad to have a husband to share the responsibility! It works out good that we have our breakdown moments at different times and can give the other one a pep talk when necessary. I only wish he could breastfeed.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Apology and beyond
I apologize on behalf of my husband who posted an embarrassing amount of bathtime videos. Yes, as a parent, I think that everything that John-John does is amazing and interesting and this blog is mainly to show-off his cuteness. However, I know that even the most devoted of grandparents would see those videos as slightly tedious.
Here is a single picture of some tummy time.
Here is a single picture of some tummy time.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Five videos from John-John's first bath at home.
If you only watch one of these videos, watch him getting his hilarious little robe on. Warning! All of these videos have the potential to feature baby bits.
Friday, June 4, 2010
If you care about Chronological order watch these two videos from the bottom up. If you care about adorableness watch them over and over again.
Video of Hannah and JSR about an hour after he was born, after he has been all cleaned up. Also featured, Luke doing his best opossum impression.
This is video of Juan-Juan getting cleaned up after his big arrival (you'd think that he would have cleaned up before, but he was just to eager.) He seems to mostly enjoy himself.
Video of Hannah and JSR about an hour after he was born, after he has been all cleaned up. Also featured, Luke doing his best opossum impression.
This is video of Juan-Juan getting cleaned up after his big arrival (you'd think that he would have cleaned up before, but he was just to eager.) He seems to mostly enjoy himself.
First video post.
This is my first attempt at posting video to the blog, which has been surprisingly difficult. Anyway if it works this is video of John-John about 5 minutes after he was born. For those of you who notice that there is anyone else in the video Hannah plays Hannah "I can't believe how good she looks 5 minutes after having a baby" Reimer. Hannah's Mom plays "Mae Mae" and I play the shell-shocked new dad.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Baby John had his circumcision yesterday. We had a hard time getting a doctor to perform the circumcision on the 8th day. After asking every medical professional we cam in contact with and explaining our reasonings over and over, we finally convinced an OB to do the deed. She agreed to do but made it clear that it was highly unusual and she was going to need to steal equipment from the hospital in order to be able to do it at her office. What a hassle! I was already an emotional wreck. Thankfully, it is all over now and it makes me even more grateful that my birth plan was met with little resistance. The hospital and doctors were very flexible and willing to let me do whatever I wanted. We had a wonderful birth! I feel that God has blessed me so much by providing a great hospital staff for us here in Georgia. Thanks to everyone who was praying, and Praise God!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
8 lbs 14.4 ounces. Here's another picture.
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I'm not sure he this picture will come out but he has alot of hair. His hair was poking out twenty minutes before his head.
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Sunday, May 16, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Assembling the crib
Our room is feeling pretty set up, the last piece was the crib. I love this crib and cannot wait to see our little boy sleeping in it. Also, we are excited about the rocket sheets we bought.
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